Hey, everyone, I thought I would do a write up of the issues I see in the game and give you all an idea of where the game will be heading.
The things I will fix/add soon or am adding at the moment
- Distinct animations for each of the girls.
- Change the entire job system.
- Fixing graphical issues such as clipping and so on.
- Add more bdsm scenes.
- a bug where the scene gets stuck in the alien occurance
- grammatical and spelling issues are going to be completely changed for a huge area of the game
Things I plan on fixing but not high on the list
- Rework the sex to be based on sexual gratification rather than just stamina alone.
- Add a challenge each time you want to level up the girls and have specific requirements for each girl, for example, high charisma checks.
- Lack of items you can buy at the shop. I was having ideas of being able to buy the different girl's outfits to wear during sex scenes so it can add a layer of roleplaying for the player.
- Balancing. The game is way too easy and I recognize that, but currently I think its a good thing. As I haven't added a save system (Nor do I know how to, by the way, I'm using As3 on adobe animate if anyone wants to give me advice on how I would add it) and I want players to easily beable to get back to where they were before (I will add a sandbox mode soon where you can start with everything unlocked for old players who just want to see the new content)
I hope everyone sees to continue their great support for the game.